Why does John point out that Jesus told Judas to do it quickly?


Gift:  Knowledge

Reading:  After he took the morsel, Satan entered him. So Jesus said to him, “What you are going to do, do quickly.”  (John 13:27)

Observation:  I find it interesting that John’s Gospel spells out the fact that Jesus told Judas to act quickly in this morning’s Gospel reading about the Last Supper.  It is interesting because there is a certain amount of time that would have to elapse before Judas could turn Jesus over to the Jewish authorities, so I am left with the opinion that John must have meant for us to see that Jesus not only knew that Judas would betray him, but also that we will sin.  Although, I truly believe that Jesus would prefer that we choose not to sin, we should hear Jesus words here as an admonition to not linger in our sin but to be done with it so that we can move on to repentance and a true conversion with the help of the Holy Spirit that will make sure that we don’t fall into the near occasion of that sin again.

Application:  Self-Control – Learning to discipline my time, energy and desires to reflect my spiritual values and priorities.  Being human, I must remember at all times that if I am not aware of how I will spend my time towards building up the Kingdom of Heaven, the Devil will find ways for me to spend my time toward his ultimate goal of my betraying Jesus in some way by not following his will for my life at all times.

Prayer:  Lord, help me to focus on your plan that you have for me and to spend my time in ways that build up your Kingdom.  I ask this, as always, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

One thought on “Why does John point out that Jesus told Judas to do it quickly?

  1. roebuck nice thought about telling judas to hurry. Never thought about god not wantingus to linger in our sins. It makes perfect sense tho,the sooner we get over it and own it the soone rwe get back to being closer to god and back on track. good call brother

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