Confession and Adoration


Today, I took my two oldest sons to the Sacrament of Confession.  After my absolution, the penance was for me to pray a decade of the rosary on whatever mystery I chose.  After consulting with my sons who chose the Sorrowful and the Ascension of Mary, I decided on the Nativity of Jesus. (Yes, I explained that Sorrowful is a set of mysteries, and Mary was assumed into heaven, before I left my boys to contemplate their mistakes further while I did my penance.) After getting my son to school, I decided to come to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist at our chapel.  Here is the scene:

So beautiful, I know.  Anyway, I ended up praying the daily disconnect with the Carmelites.  During my 10 minutes of silent contemplation, this thought came to me.  My heart was hurting, so I thinking about how much more love you felt in your heart when you have a new child.  We have four children, and every child that came increased my capacity for love.  At least that is what I felt.  So, during my penance I focused on the mystery of the Nativity, so I guess the connection the Holy Spirit was making for me was with the Nativity of Jesus and increasing the love in my heart.  I felt the pain in my heart until I realized that it was my capacity for love increasing like Saint Therese, who eventually died of love for Jesus.  If God will increase your capacity for love in your heart, how much more will he increase your capacity for taking care of the temporal needs of your children.

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